Friday, 17 June 2011

We Create Our Own Reality by Our Thoughts and Actions

Excerpt from the book “The Biggest Secret” of David Icke

For every action or non-action there is a consequence. When we give our minds and our responsibility away, we give our lives away. If enough of us do it, we give the world away and that is precisely what we have been doing throughout known human history. This is why the few have always controlled the masses. 

The only difference today is that the few are now manipulating the entire planet because of the globalisation of business, banking and communi-cations. The foundation of that control has always been the same: keep the people in ignorance, fear and at war with themselves. Divide, rule and conquer while keeping the most important knowledge to yourself.

And, those who have used these methods to control humanity for thousands of years are members of the same force, the same interbreeding tribe, following a long term Agenda which is now reaching a major point on its journey. The global fascist state is upon us.

And yet, it doesn’t have to be like this. The real power is with the many, not the few. Indeed infinite power is within every individual. The reason we are so controlled is not that we don’t have the power to decide our own destiny; it is that we give that power away every minute of our lives. When something happens that we don’t like, we look for someone else to blame. When there is a problem in the world, we say “What are they going to do about it”. At which point they, who have secretly created the problem in the first place, respond to this demand by introducing a ‘solution’ – more centralisation of power and erosion of freedom. If you want to give more powers to the police, security agencies and military, and you want the public to demand you do it, then ensure there is more crime, violence and terrorism, and then it’s a cinch to achieve your aims. Once the people are in fear of being burgled, mugged or bombed, they will demand that you take their freedom away to protect them from what they have been manipulated to fear.

The Oklahoma bombing is a classic of this kind, as I detail in .And The Truth Shall Set You Free. I call this technique problem-reaction-solution. Create the problem, encourage the reaction “something must be done”, and then offer the solution. It is summed up by the Freemason motto ‘Ordo Ab Chao’ - order out of chaos. Create the chaos and then offer the way to restore order. Your order.

The masses are herded and directed by many and various forms of emotional and mental control. It is the only way it could be done. The few can’t control billions of people physically, just as farm animals cannot be controlled physically unless a large number of people are involved. Two pigs escaped from a slaughterhouse in England and eluded capture for so long, despite the efforts of many people to catch them, that they became national celebrities. Physical control of the global population cannot work. But it is not necessary when you can manipulate the way people think and feel to the point where they ‘decide’ to do what you want them to do anyway and demand that you introduce laws that you want to introduce. 

It is an old, old adage that if you want someone to do something, get them to believe it is their idea. Humanity is mind controlled and only slightly more conscious than your average zombie. Far fetched? No, no, I define mind control as the manipulation of someone’s mind so that they think, and therefore act, the way you want them to. Under this definition, the question is not how many people are mind controlled, but how few are not. Everyone is to a larger or lesser extent. When you are persuaded by advertising or hype to buy something you don’t really need or want, you are being mind controlled. When you read or hear a slanted news story and allow it to affect your perception of a person or event, you are being mind controlled. 

Look at the training for the armed forces. It is pure mind control. From day one you are told to take orders without question and if some berk in a peaked cap tells you to shoot people you have never met and know nothing about, you must shoot without question. This is the “Yes sir!” mentality and it pervades the non-military world, also. “Well, I know it’s not right, but the boss told me to do it and I had no choice.” No choice? We never have no choice. We have choices we would like to make and choices we would rather less like to make. But we never have no choice. To say so is another cop out.

The list of mind manipulating techniques is endless. They want your mind because when they have that, they have you. The answer lies in taking our minds back, thinking for ourselves and allowing others to do the same without fear of ridicule or condemnation for the crime of being different. If we don’t do that, the Agenda I am going to outline will be implemented. But if we do regain control of our minds and achieve mental sovereignty, the Agenda cannot happen because the foundation of its existence will have been taken away. 

I’ve talked and researched in more than 20 countries and I see the same process in every one of them. Identical policies and structures are introduced in line with a Global Agenda, yet at the same time there is quite obviously a global awakening as more and more people hear the spiritual alarm clock and emerge from their mental and emotional slumbers, the terrestrial trance. Which force will prevail in these Millennium years to 2012? That is up to us. We create our own reality by our thoughts and actions. If we change our thoughts and actions we will change the world. It’s that simple.

Σουάμι Σεβαράτνα
Yogaspirit, Λαοδίκης 34, Τηλ.: 210 - 96 81 793

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