Kris Won, June 16, 2011 (
I bless you, and I urge you to ask the Lord of the Worlds and All Spheres to allow you to become conscious of the Truth of Who You really are, what are you doing here, and what is your role in this transcendental instant of planetary evolution, and even cosmic evolution.
In these moments, the Buddha Consciousness is addressing you. In my last incarnation on Earth and the physical plane, you knew me as Siddhartha Gautama Buddha. It was my last incarnation as a separate individual from the Whole. I descend now from my Celestial Home, in order to transmit to you a message for the whole population of Earth, or planetary population, from a Place where We Are All One in a conscious manner and being fully experienced by all who exist in this very High Plane of consciousness.
The only difference between you and Me, if you want to see a difference, is that I Know Who I Am, while you are still searching to find your true nature.
Dear children, as long as you believe that you are the body or the mind, or whichever of the lower vehicles, the world will appear to you as a place of sadness, injustice and wickedness.
But one good day, in a given moment of wonder and awe, all the Truth of the worlds, planes and dimensions will be revealed to you and you will understand who you really are, and the fictitious and apparent 3D 'reality' that you thought was the only 'real' one, will dissolve as a dense fog that dissolves at sunrise.
Remain firm in your convictions; do not allow anybody to make a dent on your faith while it is still fragile, feeble and easy to undermine. Be patient, for this wonderful moment of which I speak will happen when you least expect it, and then you will become what I became, Illumined Beings and true beacons of Light for all your brothers and sisters of the (human) race.
I bless you, and I urge you to ask the Lord of the Worlds and All Spheres, to allow you to become conscious of the Truth of Who You really are, what are you doing here, and what is your role in this transcendental instant of planetary evolution and even cosmic evolution.
But you must ask for it, with all your heart and all your mind, knowing that not only you will benefit from it, but all who will come into contact with you in one way or another.
In other words, it must not come from a selfish wish to evolve and elevate yourself personally, but you must consciously ask for your full awakening for the good of all the human race, and not only for your own and individual good. Do it to propel the evolutionary leap that will raise the whole human race through a gradual awakening of each one of the cells that are part of the group of all living things that inhabit the planet.
Do it in this way, and I can assure you that the Creator, the Source and Origin of All that Is, will listen to you and will accede to your wish.
That is my promise. the promise of Someone who knows what He says, for He Himself has gone through this step that you are just about to make.
I surround you with My Light, which will illumine your way towards self-realization, and I breath onto you My Breath, which will help you remain strong and united until the culmination of the events that will trigger your Liberation, which will, on this occasion, be forever and will raise you to the level of consciousness from where there is no way back to the dense matter.
I love each of you with immaculate, Unconditional Love, which flows directly from My Heart to yours.
Source: Siddharta Gautama Buddha
Channel: Kris-Won
Translators: Gloria and Macarena
Σουάμι Σεβαράτνα
Yogaspirit, Λαοδίκης 34, Τηλ.: 210 - 96 81 793

In these moments, the Buddha Consciousness is addressing you. In my last incarnation on Earth and the physical plane, you knew me as Siddhartha Gautama Buddha. It was my last incarnation as a separate individual from the Whole. I descend now from my Celestial Home, in order to transmit to you a message for the whole population of Earth, or planetary population, from a Place where We Are All One in a conscious manner and being fully experienced by all who exist in this very High Plane of consciousness.
The only difference between you and Me, if you want to see a difference, is that I Know Who I Am, while you are still searching to find your true nature.
Dear children, as long as you believe that you are the body or the mind, or whichever of the lower vehicles, the world will appear to you as a place of sadness, injustice and wickedness.
But one good day, in a given moment of wonder and awe, all the Truth of the worlds, planes and dimensions will be revealed to you and you will understand who you really are, and the fictitious and apparent 3D 'reality' that you thought was the only 'real' one, will dissolve as a dense fog that dissolves at sunrise.
Remain firm in your convictions; do not allow anybody to make a dent on your faith while it is still fragile, feeble and easy to undermine. Be patient, for this wonderful moment of which I speak will happen when you least expect it, and then you will become what I became, Illumined Beings and true beacons of Light for all your brothers and sisters of the (human) race.
I bless you, and I urge you to ask the Lord of the Worlds and All Spheres, to allow you to become conscious of the Truth of Who You really are, what are you doing here, and what is your role in this transcendental instant of planetary evolution and even cosmic evolution.
But you must ask for it, with all your heart and all your mind, knowing that not only you will benefit from it, but all who will come into contact with you in one way or another.
In other words, it must not come from a selfish wish to evolve and elevate yourself personally, but you must consciously ask for your full awakening for the good of all the human race, and not only for your own and individual good. Do it to propel the evolutionary leap that will raise the whole human race through a gradual awakening of each one of the cells that are part of the group of all living things that inhabit the planet.
Do it in this way, and I can assure you that the Creator, the Source and Origin of All that Is, will listen to you and will accede to your wish.
That is my promise. the promise of Someone who knows what He says, for He Himself has gone through this step that you are just about to make.
I surround you with My Light, which will illumine your way towards self-realization, and I breath onto you My Breath, which will help you remain strong and united until the culmination of the events that will trigger your Liberation, which will, on this occasion, be forever and will raise you to the level of consciousness from where there is no way back to the dense matter.
I love each of you with immaculate, Unconditional Love, which flows directly from My Heart to yours.
Source: Siddharta Gautama Buddha
Channel: Kris-Won
Translators: Gloria and Macarena
Σουάμι Σεβαράτνα
Yogaspirit, Λαοδίκης 34, Τηλ.: 210 - 96 81 793
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