The Higher Self communicates through both the inner and the outer worlds. In the outer world, this involves looking at the people around us, what they may be mirroring back to us. What theme are we seeing and what does it mean? In the inner world, we are aware of thoughts, feelings, visions and generally have a sense of ‘something’. To understand what these mean, we need to examine the repeated feelings, the messages and patterns that we have, and see what they are trying to tell us.
Throughout our lives, we are given various different messages or signposts, but we either choose to ignore them or cannot understand what they mean. Learning how to read these signs is part of our personal growth and spiritual development. This is where our connection to our Higher Self is key. This connection gives us the tools to interpret our everyday messages and not to dismiss them as mere coincidences.
Dreams for example can provide us with powerful messages, even if they appear to be disconnected to real issues. For example, dreaming of a blocked drain may not relate to an actual blocked drain in reality, but may indicated the need to discuss an issue which is being suppressed for example – a blocked emotion perhaps or the need to let go or something that is no longer serving any purpose in your life. You may receive repetitive messages over a short period of time, which can feel tiresome and as if there is one problem after another. This may however be the Higher Self sending us additional messages, turning up the volume if you like to ensure that the message is received and understood.
Ignoring these messages could potentially lead to destructive behaviour or problems later in life. An example would be that we are sometimes aware that we need to lose weight or perhaps develop a healthier lifestyle – however, we often ignore these messages and signs – sometimes for years before we decide to make changes. The Higher Self will be finding some way of communicating with us and once it has, it will have the tendency to bombard us with messages and use this particular form of communication over and over again. Life events offer us guidance and an opportunity for us to develop personal skills and qualities. However, one important point to remember is not to see every single thing as a personal message meant just for you. Guidance with keeping a balanced approach to this aspect should ensure that you only need to interpret the relevant messages and signs.
Messages can often offer us practical guidance on different aspects of our lives such as career and relationships. As an example, our physical body can often mirror the state of our minds and emotions. Illnesses can give us emotional messages and even headaches and mild aches can be significant. A sore throat could indicate some sort of blocked or suppressed communication for example. Negative beliefs, suppressed anger, resentment or love can manifest themselves as aches and pains and even into more serious conditions.
As an exercise, think about a physical symptom that you have experienced recently or a situation that you have found yourself in. Ignoring the detail, try to look for the central theme and ask yourself why you had this experience or what it may mean. Does this mirror your life in any way – your thoughts, emotions or fears? Was your Higher Self guiding you towards understanding something or asking you to develop a different quality such as forgiveness of yourself or someone else - or honesty perhaps?
In order to change our lives, we need to review and change our thought patterns and become more consciously aware of the reality that we would like to live in. This helps us to make decisions, make life choices and make them with the certainty that what we are doing is right. If you have two options to choose between, view each one objectively, ‘holding’ each one in your mind, understanding and interpreting how each one feels. Which one excites and energizes you and which one makes you feel flat? Maybe the emotions will be more subtle than this, but there will be some indication as to which one feels like the right choice.
By making this connection with our Higher Selves, we are more likely to act upon impulses which might come to us instead of ignoring them. The Higher Self is constantly guiding us towards a happier, easier and more fulfilled life. The Higher Self is able to see the ‘bigger picture’ – which is often clouded for us by insecurities or other issues. Connecting to the Higher Self and also Self Development and Self Awareness combined enable us to use our Higher Self knowledge on a daily basis and feel more balanced and centered. This enables us to make choices and allows us to see intuition as guidance towards our ‘best’ path.
Connecting to our beliefs and changing life style behaviors and patterns impacts our overall happiness and well-being. Meditation can also assist with this via relaxation, breathing, walking in woods or whatever you prefer. However we achieve this, delving beneath the layers of activity and chatter can make us more receptive to the messages from our Higher Selves and as such to greater self development. Shining Bright offers practical assistance with this path of self development and life change, giving us the opportunity for a more fulfilled life, based on truth and choice.
Σουάμι Σεβαράτνα
Yogaspirit, Λαοδίκης 34, Τηλ.: 210 - 96 81 793
Yogaspirit, Λαοδίκης 34, Τηλ.: 210 - 96 81 793
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