Friday, 27 April 2012

Tumour Cure in 2 minutes and 40 seconds in China with use of Mantra

In this video Gregg Braden teaches how to cure cancer, AIDS, hepatitis and all illnesses.

When we have a feeling in our hearts we are creating electrical and magnetic waves inside our bodies that extend beyond our bodies into the world around us. And what is so interesting is that the research shows that those waves extend not just one or two meters but many kilometres beyond where our heart physically resides.

Monday, 23 April 2012

Self-Healing—a Challenge to Modern Medicine

By William Renaurd 

The body contains infinite wisdom and vast armies at its command that can conquer illness, extend life, vanquish adversity, and perform miracles. 

How did the human race manage to survive so many onslaughts of disease, epidemics, famine, and upheavals without the aid of modern drugs, skilled physicians, and sophisticated surgery? 

If Biblical evidence is to be accepted, the life span of individuals extended beyond our present concepts. More recent records also indicate that "primitives" who do not fall prey to wild animals or natural disasters have a much higher rate of longevity than Modern Man does. 

What have we lost, as civilization imposed its demands upon our natural instincts? 

What has accompanied the miraculous journey of humanity as it descended the trees, from an arboreal existence, down into the eaves, and across the savannah? Our blessing is the highly developed human brain and its ability to affect the physiological being. 

In that respect, humans are unique. All forms of life are endowed with immunological systems that ensure survival of the species. Only people are twice blessed as the possessors of a brain that can work in harmony with bodily functions and direct them--phenomena that have seldom been recognized or understood. 

But the wondrous powers of the mind, while capable of being harnessed to fight off bacterial and viral invaders, summoning energies from the deepest labyrinths of the spirit, can also go astray and cause stress, depression, and illness. 

Self-Healing and Self-Destruction 

The duality of human nature was recognized thousands of years ago, and so were the enormous powers of self-healing. During the centuries in between, we have lost, from time to time, this precious knowledge. 

That we are capable of both self-healing and self-destruction is a truth utilized and understood by philosophers, religious leaders, physicians, and even charlatans. We are both beneficiary and victim of this unique power. 

Hippocrates often commented upon the role that physicians can play in cooperating with Nature. He noted that the doctor only applied the splint; nature heals the broken bones. 

Plato observed: "The great error in treatment of the human body is that physicians are ignorant of the whole. For the part can never be well unless the whole is well." Sigmund Freud spoke of the conflict in human nature, ‘the life force in a constant struggle with the death force’. He labeled them libido and destrudo. 

They, and others of their vision, were able to grasp a truth that modern science is slowly beginning to acknowledge, that mind and body are not separate, but act upon each other, positively and negatively. We have the capability of making ourselves ill. We can also cure ourselves. There are dynamic, unconscious forces at our disposal. 

Although improper nutrition, a harmful environment, and exposure to infection can lessen physical resistance, the powers of the mind and their influence upon the physiological processes can be decisive. 

This is not an offbeat concept meant to denigrate the value of scientific progress. Ancient physicians knew and practiced what we now call psychosomatic medicine. Neither is it a new science, but one that has been too often ignored. 

Ancient Attitudes Toward Healing 

Healers of the past, lacking potent drugs, were forced to devote more time to contemplating their patient's maladies. They also discovered that physical diseases were intimately related to emotions and personal relationships. 

Therefore, they were led to believe that good health depended upon people living in harmony with themselves and the environment. To be healthy is to be able to face changes and adversity with positive and challenging attitudes. 

These truths were well understood, but were often linked with religious, occult, or esoteric rites, so that the patient would believe strongly in the probability of cure. 

The idea that pain or disease could be caused by demons or spirits was commonly believed in early societies. It also persists among many people today. When cures are realized, the forces at work are combinations of faith and belief. How the blind have been inspired to see, the lame to walk, and the dying to rally may be matters of cynical disbelief, but these "miracles" happened and continue to occur often enough for scientists to give credence to the possibility that a body can cure itself. 

In ancient Greece, healing temples relied upon the use of fasting, prayer, sleep, and psychological suggestion to achieve cures. Many of those ideas find their counterpart in modern concepts of holistic medicine that employ the modalities of nutrition, biofeedback, hypnosis, acupuncture, and psychoanalytic therapy. 

Unfortunately, the discoveries of the Greeks and other enlightened societies of the past were eventually swept into an abyss of ignorance during the Dark Ages, when scientific rationalism fell into disuse. 

There were, however, isolated islands of knowledge in the 12th century, such as the works of Maimonides, the Hebrew physician and scholar, who explored the relationship of illness and emotions. His treatises on asthma, as the result of emotional distress, are equal to many of the modern dissertations.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

…A Short Period of Turmoil followed by a Forever of Happiness

Message from Archangel Michael for 16 April 2012 via Ron Head

We are heartened to see the understanding of the overall message of all of our channels spreading far and wide among all those who follow them. Angelics, Masters, and Star Brothers have all been giving you the same basic information; and, as expected, it has been readily and hungrily absorbed. 

This, along with your rapid raising of your vibrational signatures, is bringing the date of your release from the old paradigm closer. Truly, you have not much longer to wait before the changes which are already proceeding begin to be obvious to everyone. So much that needs to happen will have to happen so quickly that you may feel as if your heads are spinning. We would hope that to be a joyful and not a stressful thing. So much depends upon your ability to maintain calm among your friends and neighbors. Exuberance and joy are fine. It is the inevitable fears of many that could cause problems. But exuberance and joy are contagious, you know. Please feel free to exhibit them to your heart’s content. 

The same applies to all of the things, which will be going on this summer. You will have much support in this. There will be constant broadcasts explaining what is going on.  But fear is a drug that has been supplied for many thousands of years and will be a hard habit to break for some. We bring its antidote with us, love and joy. We recommend liberal dosage daily. 

Your lives are about to see a short period of turmoil followed by a forever of happiness.  Those who are able to define their dreams well will be amazed at the results of their efforts.  And there is a saying you have which will apply neatly, “A rising tide raises all boats.”  That is the function of Lightworkers and Wayshowers after all.  You will be, as always, the lamp burning in the corner.  Continue to raise your brightness now, for soon your Light will be needed more than ever. 

We hold you in our Love and Protection now, as always, and continue to cheer you onward. Take my sword of Truth now and use it with Love to bring the Light to your world.  Until tomorrow, dear friends. 

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Friday, 13 April 2012

The deeper meaning of Crucifixion

The Arcturian Group for 8 April 2012 

We come today to wish you a very happy holiday–that is holy-day, for Easter represents the journey each soul must take as they move into enlightenment and out of the lessons of the third dimension. 

This journey is that of life lived as best an individual can, based upon their personal belief system and governed by current rules of duality and separation. Life continues “normally” until at some point in an individual’s spiritual evolution there comes the crucifixion. The crucifixion is that time in which everyday life no longer works as it always has. What up to that point has been predictable, suddenly comes to a screeching halt either through some particular experience, experiences, or a new unfolding inner awareness. To outside observers as well as the individual himself, this period may appear to be one of absolute failure, loss, and something dreaded. To those still fully immersed in third dimensional values, it is indeed seen as loss and failure, but to the experiencing soul it is movement; the death of that which is now finished and the birth of the new. 

The crucifixion is a series of painful experiences often accompanied by humiliation and judgement from the individual, as well as those around him, who are only able to see from the concepts they may hold of successful living. These experiences can vary in degrees of intensity or loss, because some individuals only respond and learn the hard way through painful experience, while others do not need great intensity in order to move forward. However, know that all souls are prepared and ready for the experience of crucifixion, or it would not happen, even though most are not consciously aware of this. 

After a time of adjustment, resting, being tempered by experience, and letting go, a new state of consciousness begins to emerge. The new man is being born, one strong and more self-complete; one having released much that heretofore held him in bondage to third dimensional concepts of love, life, success, health, and all the issues of daily living. A new and more perfect man is being born and this is the resurrection, dear ones. 

It is a surrender, a death to all that is finished. Lessons on earth were meant for learning, but were never intended to go on forever. The crucifixion experience can be and usually is very scary as the mind struggles to plan and plot solutions according to what is already known, and yet the individual is forced by circumstances to live in the now moment. Low and behold out of this intense fear arises a new experience–the sky does not fall down and life goes on in new ways in spite of the dire predictions of those observing from their place of duality. 

The crucifixion and resurrection are not experiences that took place to only one special man 2000 years ago. All will and many are now, experiencing crucifixion and resurrection and through it are moving ever more quickly into Ascension. Jesus seeded a dense human consciousness with truth, adding light to a human matrix of world beliefs which then in turn allowed those ready, to access new ways of seeing and being. He brought to mankind a level of understanding that many were ready for, but most did not understand. His experience reflected the experiences of all mankind. Jesus was the way-shower for a struggling world, because always there will be teachers, way-showers, and healers for those ready–mankind is never abandoned or left completely on their own. 

After crucifixion and resurrection, one then also becomes a way-shower, helping others now ready to move out of the false concepts of duality and separation. Many are way-showers now. The Light on earth is becoming increasingly bright. You are soon to manifest a New World, a world in which all life is respected and seen as an expression of the one Divine Life. 

This is why you chose to experience duality and separation, dear Light Beings, to see if you could find your way back home in spite of the intense experiences manifest by the un-illumined state of consciousness. You are doing it now! You have moved through lifetimes of darkness and are quickly moving into the Light. 

This is the true meaning of Easter–the crucifixion and resurrection out of darkness and into Light of Ascension. 

Blessed Easter every day. 

We are the Arcturian Group.

Monday, 9 April 2012

How to Live Easier Through the Shifts

From God & Prilon by GLR Suzanne Spooner of TAUK

[Hello God & Prilon.] 

Hello Suzy. To begin, We would like to say the shift with planet Earth is progressing very well. Now Earth has the ability to call out to her sisters and brothers of this universe and others. This has only recently been made available to her as a way to speed Ascension. 

Certain thresholds of awareness were needed for her to welcome in this assistance. May We say that We are very happy and very pleased with the progress of Earth and her inhabitants? 

Given the possible timelines of Ascension or continuing with third dimensional reality, much work was completed and all is on track to continue to your Ascension. This is now occurring at a rapid rate. 

Time is shifting and this is felt by many as a speeding up and morphing of experiences. 

To live easier through these shifts, try to not hold tight to your schedules. Fluidity is key. Practice quiet contemplation often. It is at these quiet times your etheric bodies are connecting to your physical body. This eases the heart and releases the ego like a snake shedding his skin. Going to your heart center often will assist you as time speeds up. Quiet reflection is your hearts’ charging center. 

Letting go of outcomes is another way of shedding the thin-skin of ego. In your lack of controlling what happens in your relationships, you will open up doors of opportunity and Light. Releasing fear will lighten your body, so that it can perform in its intended Divine way. Picturing a smooth and joy-filled shift will ensure this experience. 

Open your hearts, Dear Ones. Believe in your power and your glory.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

The Secret to Immortality is Simple

Weekly Message from Mikos in the Hollow Earth for 1 April 2009 

Greetings, it is Mikos, residing in the Hollow Earth, in the City of Catharia, way down below the Aegean Sea off Greece’s mainland. This is the focal point of our abode, and where you can physically find me, if you could physically go down to the depths of the Ocean and then continue about 800 miles deep. Here we reside in peace and comfort and abundance and great wealth of health and body and spirit. For living so deep inside the Earth has given us all we could ever dream of including our Immortality. 

Living in peace is the secret to gaining Immortality, and we invite you to try it. You would enjoy it. No clamor, no wars, no hardships, just pure delight and joy in each moment of each day – and it lasts forever. How blessed we are to have discovered this secret, for this is the secret of life. It is so simple, once discovered. 

Just live in peace with one another and you have everything you could ever dream of, including your being with us. Yes, we can meet physically with you, when there is peace on Earth’s surface, but not before. So, strive to live peacefully with each other, and start with your biological family, and then spread your love out to your community and then to your nation and then to the whole Earth, and then assuredly we will magically appear before you, in our physical forms of radiance. Yes, our cells radiate our Light and it is very visible to the eyes. Once you are living in a peaceful state on the surface, you too will be radiating this Light from within your cells, and this light will encompass all around you and you will Light up the surface for all to witness. 

And then there will form a great conclave of Beings from other dimensions and other star systems who will celebrate your climb into Light, and you will be formally accepted into the Confederation of Planets once again, for regaining your Light Status. What a moment in time! You will achieve this, this we know. But why take so long? Do it now. It can happen in the twinkling of an eye, since time does not exist. Just make up your minds that you intend to live in peace, and it shall be, and the whole Universe will support your intention. It is not a mystery…It is your intention. It is simple, isn’t it? It is only your governments who have purposely made it so complicated by devising wars to entangle and control you. For they know that in peaceful conditions you would rise in consciousness and find your Self, and merge with your Higher Self, thus gaining your Immortality. And this would put them out of business, and they would lose their hold on you and would have to leave the Earth plane enmasse. So let them leave! 

You do this by being the peace you wish to create and spreading it out to all around you. Could it be more simple? As you rise in consciousness, you will find that most mysteries in life have simple solutions. Whatever you want to achieve, just ‘be’ that achievement and it will effortlessly come to you, because you are already radiating that frequency of what you want to attain, so it has to come to you once you have identified with it ‘as you’. It has nowhere else to go but to you – its vibration then matches yours. Simple? Yes! 

So you have to become actresses and actors, don’t you? You have to play and live the part you want to create in your role on the screen of your life – and it is your life and you are the actors, so play your part well and your dreams will all come true. It is only up to you. No one can fill in for you to play your part on the screen of life, only you can. 

So dream your life away…it is the quickest route to Immortality. We await you there. I am Mikos, good day. 

And now Rosalia, your sister from Telos is here, bidding you a good day. I am encased inside the Earth, where all is cozy and all is warm. We don’t have the fluctuating weather factors here that you have on the surface, because we live in a state of Immortality, and in Immortality all is perfection. So this is the aim of humanity – to reach this state of Immortality where all problems become instantly solved – voila – nothing to ever complain about again. It is magic, pure and simple. So we invite you to peacefully gain your Immortality, because it is only through Peace that it can be gained. We have proven this during our past 12,000 years of living in Telos.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Loving Others Begins With Feeling The Love Within You

By Shannon - Posted on 01 April 2012 

Happy Sunday! Here we are..., one step closer to Ascension. One day closer to LOVE. This is "our" project. Together as one, we walk in harmony toward the ultimate and perfect goal of LOVE. Love manifests as a "feeling", yet so many cannot find this feeling within them. Covered up by worry..., covered up by anxiety, covered up by circumstance.., the "feeling" of LOVE is not readily apparent. How can one get to the feeling of LOVE within them with such obstacles in place? One must "know". It is very simple, but sounds complicated. To KNOW that you ARE LOVED..., opens the door immediately into your very being and ALLOWS the LOVE that is there to fill you up. 

To understand the opposite of this (without dwelling on it) may assist in our understanding of the positive side. To feel (or believe) that you are not loved is the opposite of the truth and thus opens the negative doorway into your being. Because you “know" the opposite of the truth..., the opposite of the truth is your experience. To change your experience..., you simply change what it is that you are KNOWING. Simple! Like any muscle that has atrophied from lack of use.., your positive knowing muscle needs to go to the Gym and get in shape. The more you use your positive knowing muscle..., the more you will be able to use it when the storms of circumstance come forth and try to blow your "Life-boat" off course. Try it now! I'm serious..., take a moment and really KNOW that you are loved. PROCLAIM IT! Now open to that love and FEEL IT. 

Let the energy of it bless you. Now, if you can do it once and actually felt it, why can't you do it over and over and over again..., all the time? Are you too busy to be loved? Seriously? You have other things that are more important? Maybe some priorities need to be sorted out here. There is an old saying..., “YOU CAN LEAD A HORSE TO WATER, BUT YOU CAN'T MAKE HIM DRINK". In similar ways, the loving beings, guardians, angels, and space family really are here. They are showing and leading us to that LOVE which is available, but they can't force it into us! Opening up to that LOVE is "our job". A mother will only feed her very small child until he or she is able to do it by himself. Most of the time, little children are "eager" to learn how to "do it". So, what is stopping us as adults from having the same eagerness that a tiny child has to learn how to "do it?" Learning to open up and receive the Love that is there, is the first step in passing on that Love. Try not to be "too busy" to be loved. God wants you to pass it on! Blessings to all my family.