Monday, 30 January 2012

Το κάρυ σκοτώνει τα καρκινικά κύτταρα


Ιρλανδοί επιστήμονες ανακάλυψαν μία χημική ουσία που υπάρχει στο μπαχαρικό κάρυ και σκοτώνει τα καρκινικά κύτταρα. Η ουσία λέγεται κουρκουμίνη και αποτελεί εδώ και χρόνια αντικείμενο μελέτης για τις θεραπευτικές ιδιότητές της. Μεταξύ άλλων δοκιμάζεται ως θεραπεία για την αρθρίτιδα και την άνοια. 

Στη νέα μελέτη, που έγινε στο εργαστήριο, επιστήμονες από το Cork Cancer Research Centre, με επικεφαλής την Dr Sharon McKenna, διαπίστωσαν ότι η κουρκουμίνη σκοτώνει τα καρκινικά κύτταρα του οισοφάγου. 

Όπως γράφουν στην «Βρετανική Επιθεώρηση Καρκίνου», εκθέτοντας τα καρκινικά κύτταρα στην κουρκουμίνη αυτή ενεργοποίησε τους μηχανισμούς αυτοκαταστροφής τους, με επακόλουθο να πεθάνουν μέσα σε 24 ώρες. 

«Η επιστημονική κοινότητα γνωρίζει εδώ και καιρό ότι ορισμένες φυσικές ουσίες έχουν την ικανότητα να θεραπεύουν ή να εξολοθρεύουν τα καρκινικά κύτταρα, και υποπτευόμασταν ότι στην κατηγορία αυτή ανήκει και η κουρκουμίνη», δήλωσε η Dr Sharon McKenna. 

«Απεδείχθη ότι είχαμε δίκιο και το εύρημά μας θα μπορούσε να ανοίξει τον δρόμο για την επινόηση νέων αντικαρκινικών θεραπειών». 

«Πρόκειται για μια ενδιαφέρουσα έρευνα, που εγείρει την πιθανότητα να χρησιμοποιηθούν φυσικές χημικές ουσίες για την επινόηση νέων θεραπειών για τον καρκίνο του οισοφάγου», είπε η Dr Lesley Walker, από τον οργανισμό Cancer Research UK. 

Σύμφωνα με τους ειδικούς, τα κρούσματα καρκίνου του οισοφάγου έχουν αυξηθεί πάνω από 50% τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες, γεγονός που πιστεύεται ότι σχετίζεται με την αύξηση της παχυσαρκίας, της κατανάλωσης αλκοόλ και της γαστρο-οισοφαγικής παλινδρόμησης, κατά την οποία τα οξέα του στομάχου “καίνε” τον οισοφάγο. 

Συνεπώς «έχει μεγάλη σημασία να βρεθούν τρόποι θεραπείας, αλλά και πρόληψης του καρκίνου αυτού», κατά την Dr Lesley Walker. 

Υπολογίζεται ότι περισσότερα από 200 άτομα χάνουν ετησίως τη ζωή τους στην χώρα μας από καρκίνο του οισοφάγου.

(Σημείωση Σουάμι Σεβαράτνα: Ο κουρκουμάς ή κιτρινόριζα είναι βασικό συστατικό της γιογκικής κουζίνας σε συνδυασμό με άλλα 3 βασικά μπαχαρικά που είναι: το σινάπι, το κίμινο και η καυτερή πιπεριά (τσίλι).

Swami Sevaratna
Yogaspirit, Λαοδίκης 34, Γλυφάδα, Τηλ: 210 - 96 81 793

Monday, 16 January 2012

Scientific evaluation of Yoga Nidra

by Wikipedia (editing by Swami Sevaratna)

Yoga Nidra or "yogic sleep" is a sleep-like state, which yogis report to experience during their meditations. 

The practice of yoga relaxation has been found to reduce tension and anxiety. The autonomic symptoms of high anxiety such as headache, giddiness, chest pain, palpitations, sweating, abdominal pain respond well. 

Yoga Nidra was first experienced by Swami Satyananda Saraswati, when he was living with his guru Swami Sivananda in Rishikesh. He began studying the tantric scriptures and, after practice, constructed a system of relaxation, which he began popularizing in the mid 20th century. He explained Yoga Nidra as a state of mind between wakefulness and dream that opened deep phases of the mind, suggesting a connection with the ancient tantric practice called Nyasa, whereby Sanskrit mantras are mentally placed within specific body parts, while meditating on each part (of the body-mind). The form of practice taught by Swami Satyananda includes eight stages: 

  1. Internalization 
  2. Sankalpa 
  3. Rotation of Consciousness 
  4. Breath Awareness 
  5. Manifestation of Opposites 
  6. Creative Visualization 
  7. Sankalpa 
  8. Externalization 

Experimental evidence of the existence of a fourth state of unified, transcendental consciousness, which lies in the Yoga Nidra state at the transition between sensory and sleep consciousness, was first recorded at the Menninger Foundation in Kansas, USA in 1971. Under the direction of Dr. Elmer Green, researchers used an electro-encephalo-graph to record the brainwave activity of an Indian Yogi, Swami Rama, while he progressively relaxed his entire physical, mental and emotional structure through the practice of Yoga Nidra. 

What they recorded was a revelation to the scientific community. The Swami demonstrated the capacity to enter the various states of consciousness at will, as evidenced by remarkable changes in the electrical activity of his brain. Upon relaxing himself in the laboratory, he first entered the Yoga Nidra state, producing 70% alpha wave discharge for a predetermined 5 minute period, simply by imagining an empty blue sky with occasional drifting clouds. 

Next, Swami Rama entered a state of dreaming sleep, which was accompanied by slower theta waves for 75% of the subsequent 5 minute test period. This state, which he later described as being 'noisy and unpleasant', was attained by 'stilling the conscious mind and bringing forth the subconscious'. In this state he had the internal experience of desires, ambitions, memories and past images in archetypal form rising sequentially from the subconscious and unconscious with a rush, each archetype occupying his whole awareness. 

Finally, the Swami entered the state of (unconscious) deep sleep, as verified by the emergence of the characteristic pattern of slow rhythm delta waves. However, he remained perfectly aware throughout the entire experimental period. He later recalled the various events, which had occurred in the laboratory during the experiment, including all the questions that one of the scientists had asked him during the period of deep delta wave sleep, while his body lay snoring quietly. 

Such remarkable mastery over the fluctuating patterns of consciousness had not previously been demonstrated under strict laboratory conditions. The capacity to remain consciously aware, while producing delta waves and experiencing deep sleep, is one of the indications of the superconscious state (Turiya). This is the ultimate state of Yoga Nidra, in which the conventional barriers between waking, dreaming and deep sleep are lifted, revealing the simultaneous operation of the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind. The result is a single, enlightened state of consciousness and a perfectly integrated and relaxed personality. 

Swami Sevaratna
Yogaspirit, Λαοδίκης 34, Γλυφάδα, Τηλ: 210 - 96 81 793
* If you live in Athens, I will be very glad to have you in one of my classes of Real Yoga

Friday, 6 January 2012

Mastery of the Mind

By Lucy Lidell 

The mind is like a lake, its surface broken by ripples of thought. In order to see the Self which lies beneath, first you must learn to still these ripples, to become the master of your mind rather than its servant. For most of your waking hours the mind is tossed from one thought to another, pulled by desires and aversions, by emotions and memories, both pleasant and unpleasant. Of all the forces that agitate the mind, it is the senses that most often disturb the concentration, giving rise to fantasies and desires. A well-loved tune in the radio sends the mind racing to the time you heard it first, while a tempting smell or a sudden cold draught can shatter your train of thought. Of all the senses, sight and hearing are the most powerful, endlessly drawing the mind outward and wasting valuable mental energy. For this reason meditation uses either sounds (Mantras) or images (Yantras and Mandalas). 

The mind is by nature constantly searching for happiness, vainly hoping to find satisfaction once it attains what it desires. On acquiring the desired object, the mind is temporarily silenced, but after a short while the whole pattern starts again, because the mind itself remains unchanged and the true desire unfulfilled. Imagine, for example, that you out and buy a new car. For some time you feel proud and satisfied – the mind is at rest. But soon you start hankering after a new model or a different color, or worrying about it getting stolen or hit. What began as a pleasure has become yet another source of discontent, for in stilling one desire, many others are created. 

Yoga teaches us that we possess a source of joy and wisdom already inside us, a fund of tranquility that we can perceive and draw nourishment from when the movement of the mind is still. If we can channel this desire for contentment inward instead of attaching it to external objects that are by nature ephemeral, we can discover how to live in peace.

Swami Sevaratna
Yogaspirit, Λαοδίκης 34, Γλυφάδα, Τηλ: 210 - 96 81 793
* If you live in Athens, I will be very glad to have you in one of my classes of Real Yoga

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Write a new script for the great play that is your life and then LIVE it!

Hilarion’s Weekly Message 1 January 2012 

Beloved Ones, let the mantra for these times be the word “focus”. No matter what is occurring in the World around you, focus your Love on it, bless it and shower this Love whenever and wherever you may walk. Know that you are each representatives of the Divine and that your every thought, word, action and deed has become most important in the bringing in of the New Earth reality. There will be many in the days that lie ahead that will try to dis-tract you from this focus and it falls upon you to remember your vision and your purpose for being here at this time. 

Find a way to spend as much of your free time as possible in a quiet environment that will allow you to focus on your goals of personal and Planetary Ascension. This is the time to take action and the days of passively waiting for others to come to the rescue are now over and done with. YOU are the Creators, Beloved Ones. All that you have accomplished and overcome to get you to this point is now to be put into practical use in service for the highest good of All. It is crucial that your Light and your feelings of Love and compassion, daily reach out into the people and places around you. 

Try to hold onto the feelings of joy and bliss that the New Year energies bring in. When you feel these powerfully uplifting moments, take note of these and learn to bring these feelings up within you at will throughout the rest of your year of incredible changes. Believe in the miraculous and watch the wondrous synchronicities as they begin to occur. Open your hearts to ever greater downloads of Light, Love, upgrades and attunements and always remember to ask and intend these, both morning and night. 

It is time to bask in these uplifting and empowering feelings that the new energies are helping to invoke within you and as you do this, you invite more of these feelings to be divinely attracted to you. The Universe will ensure that you be on the receiving end of many blessings that are waiting to come forth and become an integral part of your life. As changes take place in every part of Human society, the blessings that come forth for you will multiply in their appearances in each of your lives. Enjoy each moment, live in the moment, focus, focus, focus! Let all that happens flow through you and around you, while you stay in the fluidity of each moment. 

Allow the Love that is within you to shine through you in all that you feel, say and do. Bless every happening that takes place in your lives and express your gratitude constantly for all that you are given. By choosing the state of Joy, you allow more grace to enter your Being and your daily lives. Capture this feeling of Joy and embellish it often by your expressions of it in all that you do. Feel joy, BE joy, radiate joy in total and sublime purity and innocence, believing in the magic that comes through because of it, for it is not naivety to cultivate this essence within you, it is a power that infuses everything in your life with blessings that multiply. 

Set the tone for the rest of this year by the great power created by your determination and intention to BE your highest and greatest potential and watch it unfold for you in wondrous ways. Dare to dream BIG, dare to do all that you have longed to do and somehow never got around to do. Believe in your own value, uniqueness and worth and see yourself as a Master in all that you do. Write a new script for the great play that is your life and then LIVE it! If you can dream it, you can BE it! All is waiting to manifest and accommodate your deepest desires. Claim it each day and watch it unfold in magical ways. 

Until next week…. 

I AM Hilarion 

Channeler: Marlene Swetlishoff

Swami Sevaratna
Yogaspirit, Λαοδίκης 34, Γλυφάδα, Τηλ: 210 - 96 81 793

Monday, 2 January 2012

A Bridge to a Moneyless Society

Galactic Federation Update for 6 September 2011 by Sheldan Nidle 

Greetings! We return! Your world continues to experience a new freedom! The various governments that have worked hard to create a new global financial system are jubilant. The US Federal Reserve has been effectively subsumed by the new American Treasury Bank system and all that is now required is the series of announcements from the new American ‘caretaker’ government. A key component of this new banking setup is the worldwide hard-currency system which will convert the illegal and much-manipulated fiat system into an entity able to reflect ‘true’ values and to function as a ‘true’ medium of exchange. Remember that your world is to retain only briefly a system based on a physical medium of exchange, in order that it may reflect the great abundance that is now poised to swamp you in a wave of freedom and luxury. This prosperity will in effect create a bridge to a moneyless society by allowing the rapid spread of the technology that will replace the need for money and prepare you for the fully conscious realm that you are shortly to inherit. This is the realm that we reside in. 

Your prosperity will facilitate the rapid spread of new technologies across your planet, some of which will supplant shops and supermarkets as the prime sources of your food and clothing. Moreover, the nature of these technologies will drastically revamp the way your economy operates by making redundant the current to-ing and fro-ing to deliver goods and services over long distances. Once we land, we intend to begin your education in all things pertaining to Full Consciousness, beginning with how to relate to the other living things in your environment and giving you direct experiences of the nature of your future roles as Gaia’s guardians. Gaia needs a great deal of help to preserve many aspects and niches of her global ecosystems, and it behooves you as individuals and as a collective to learn how best to assist her in this. We will be your mentors, introducing you to what you need to know and then letting you implement it. All this is just a preliminary step before you enter the realm of Full Consciousness. 

Disclosure constitutes the next big step once the new financial system is up and running and fully explained to the world. A major function of this new financial system is to embed Universal Debt Forgiveness into the new banking rules and regulations, and together, these form the foundation for the release of the Prosperity Funds. The openness of the new banking system combined with the new monies creates a fitting framework for your new prosperity, making it possible to add Disclosure to the total package. It is these upcoming developments which will expand what your society is able to do, and to this end we intend to introduce our technology and merge it with those devices sequestered for decades by your governments. The nature of these sundry devices will bring you personal experience of a wholly different way of seeing ‘reality,’ introducing you to concepts that will see you safely through to Full Consciousness. It is by means of this hands-on method that we intend to acquaint you with the wisdom of Heaven and the Stars. 

As always, your development into superb Galactic Citizens is our main concern. In consonance with this, your Agarthan cousins have compiled a syllabus they would like us to teach you. They would like you to acquire certain perspectives that are to be demonstrated via a series of proven examples just after the mass landings are completed, and have requested that we instruct your personal mentors-to-be in the implications of this complex program. We have agreed, and once your mentors had spent time with their Agarthan counterparts, the general consensus was that these exercises are indeed important to your overall training program. They involve becoming more vitally aware of your subtle interactions with Gaia. These daily exchanges can be used to explain the true nature and operation of your living energy fields and can demonstrate the reality of your constant stewardship role with Gaia. This program can also help explain several things about your transformation into Full Consciousness. 

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! A great revolution in spirit, in consciousness, and in freedom is taking place around your globe. This need for transformation has led to the fall of governments in the Near East, the call for a new economic system in Latin America, and the cry in Africa for justice and freedom for all. This clarion call is evidence of the Winds of Change that are sweeping like an unstoppable desert sandstorm across your world. This need for change is now ready to manifest and it begins with a flurry of deliveries sponsored by the St. Germaine Trust. These funds will be accompanied by a change in governance for several major nations and a series of announcements leading to Global Debt Forgiveness. These broadcasts will also expound on the new precious-metal currencies and the new, more open global financial and banking system. 

Our intent is to use the new financial system to support Saint Germaine’s prosperity program. It is essential that the monies given to the Light be distributed within a system that encourages ingenuity and thinking ‘outside the box.’ Gaia is asking you to explore your spiritual and new-consciousness resources, and as you begin to share this with others, you will require support in these efforts. Shortly, a vast redistribution of wealth is going to ensure that you, and those allied with you, possess just such a resource. These enormous amounts of money are there to fund Centers, heal your fellows, and bring out and promulgate all sorts of marvelous inventions and ideas. They can also fund those who wish to support the Divine and help those programs undertaken by dedicated supporters of the Galactic Federation of Light. 

We see these radiant Centers of Light rippling out to interlink and cover the globe, creating a foundation for building your Global Galactic Society, and merging eventually with the Galactic Society that already exists in Inner Earth. The Agarthans have waited for millennia to help co-create this Solar System’s new Star-Nation, and it is to be highly honored when it formally joins the Galactic Federation as a full-fledged member. Your destiny is to be mentors for nearly half this galaxy, as it moves toward its moment to accept Full Consciousness. Long ago, Heaven told us that this world had a very special place in the consciousness evolution of the Milky Way Galaxy. Part of our spiritual task has been to shepherd humanity toward this most magnificent future. The time now comes to unfold and jointly experience the manifesting of this prophecy. 

Today, we talked about what is happening to you and your reality. Everywhere, a bright future is surging up between the stinging nettles that were planted by your dark cabal. The dismal gloom of the dark’s world is about to be supplanted by the brilliance and exhilaration of the Light! Together, We are indeed Victorious! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Swami Sevaratna
Yogaspirit, Λαοδίκης 34, Γλυφάδα, Τηλ: 210 - 96 81 793