Thursday 16 August 2012

The monkey mind

by Mike Hughes 

Beginning meditators often experience something, which has been called the monkey mind. The monkey mind is a term that describes how your mind jumps from thought to thought like a monkey jumping from branch to branch. 

For example, a thought will pop into your head, which will trigger another thought, then another and another. And on and on it goes until you think that your mind has become uncontrollable and that you'll have to stop meditating. 

But your mind has always been that way. It's only now that you're discovering it. Meditation raises your consciousness to a point where you can see the confusion that we all have. This is the first stage of meditation and, thankfully, it's a temporary one. 

But it's important not to suppress these thoughts when they pop up - just watch them as if from a distance. As you continue with the meditation your mind will become more and more still, although thoughts will still pop up from time to time. 

These may be unresolved events from your past and you'll discover how to deal with these too. 

All the best

Mike Hughes

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