Sunday 12 February 2012

The Role of Dogma in Closing Down a Human Mind

Excerpt from the book “…And The Truth Shall Set You Free” by David Icke

The most effective way to close down a human mind and to manipulate its sense of Self is to programme into it some form of dogma. A dogma will always vehemently defend itself from other information and repel any alternative opinion which contradicts its narrow, solidified view. Dogmas become a person's sense of security and means of retaining power. Humanity tends to cling to both until its knuckles turn white. 

Dogmas take endless forms and when you can persuade different people to hold opposing dogmas, the manipulation of conflict and control through 'divide and rule' becomes easy. It is happening today in the same way - more so, in fact - as it has throughout the period of the vibratory prison. To a manipulator, Judaism is just as useful as Christianity and Islam; the political 'Left' is just as important as the political 'Right'. You need two dogmas to play off against each other. The most effective dogmas over thousands of years have been the religions. One generation takes on a narrow view of life and themselves (a religion) and imposes it on their children, who then do the same to their children, and so it goes on into the modern world. The religious and political dogmas have all been inspired by negative elements from the Fourth Dimension. 

The two leading weapons used by religions are the cancerous emotions of fear and guilt. They have been used to suppress the human mind and to destroy its sense of self-worth, thus creating a physical reality to match. Religions are manifesting the same thought pattern under different names - the thought pattern called control. Even the origins of their myths, stories and ceremonies are invariably the same because they all originate from the same source!

Swami Sevaratna
Yogaspirit, Λαοδίκης 34, Γλυφάδα, Τηλ: 210 - 96 81 793
* If you live in Athens, I will be very glad to have you in one of my classes of Real Yoga

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